Former 总理 道格拉斯一. Kristensen



道格拉斯一. Kristensen


总理 Kristensen was appointed to lead the University of Nebraska at Kearney in July 2002, following a distinguished career in the Nebraska Legislature. He was elected in 1988 to represent the 37th legislative district and served until 2002. At the time he retired from office, he was the longest serving Speaker in the history of the Legislature. 他对影响内布拉斯加州高等教育的问题有着独特的了解, a record of dedication to Nebraska citizens, 以及对整个大学系统,特别是科尔尼校区的历史和使命的深刻理解.

Doug Kristensen is the longest serving chancellor in the history of the University of Nebraska. He is also the longest currently serving leader of all colleges and universities in the state. Under 总理 Kristensen’s leadership, bet36365体育 is consistently ranked as one of the Top 10 regional public universities in the Midwest. Reflecting Kristensen’s emphasis on accessibility and quality, bet36365体育 is also ranked number two in value.

During his tenure as a Nebraska State Senator, 克里斯滕森校长在通过重要立法和许多宪法修正案方面发挥了重要作用. He sponsored legislation that created the Nebraska Court of Appeals, the Tax Equalization and Review Commission, Limited Liability Companies, the Commission on Public Advocacy, the Telecommunications Act, 《bet36365体育》(该法案将联合太平洋公司总部保留在奥马哈). 他通过修订商业公司法使内布拉斯加州企业的法定结构现代化, the Revised Model Nonprofit Corporation Act, and the first LLC and LLP acts for Nebraska. 作为议长, Kristensen passed scores of bills dealing with taxes, 运输, and state government. 参议员克里斯滕森是宪法审查委员会的委员,也是将科尔尼州立学院纳入内布拉斯加州大学系统的立法发起人之一. 在担任政治职务期间,他从事法律工作,是Lieske律师事务所的合伙人 & Kristensen in Minden, Nebraska.

An enthusiastic advocate of everything bet36365体育, 校长克里斯滕森(Kristensen)对科尔尼(Kearney)校区进行了戏剧性的重建,耗资超过3.6亿美元用于新建筑和主校区的重大翻新. Projects include construction of Antelope and Nester residence halls; creation of a Greek Village with new buildings for both fraternities and sororities; creating new east and west entrances to the campus; renovation of Men’s, 兰德尔, and Mantor Halls, and Centennial Towers East and West; the Cope Stadium/Foster Field project; a new Central Utilities Plant; several improvement projects to campus dining facilities; extensive landscaping; significant renovation of the Nebraskan Student Union, Bruner Hall of Science, 西方中心, the Fine 艺术 Building, C. T. Ryan 图书馆, Warner Hall, the Health and Sports Center, and the Frank House. 除了, a state-of-the-art 健康 Center and Discovery Hall–a new 90,000 square foot STEM building.

Two other projects are a source of considerable pride to 总理 Kristensen. The first of the two is the idea, planning, and now the rapid growth of University Village. Located just south of 西方中心, across Highway 30, 大学村是一个令人兴奋的新开发项目,在农村社区中创建了一个城中村. 这个占地107英亩的项目获得了广泛的投资,不仅为校园,而且为内布拉斯加州中南部的整个地区提供了巨大的机会. This new development now includes Village Flats apartments; The Lavonne Plambeck Early Childhood 教育 Center; the Grundy Tennis Center; Element 30 (an upscale living complex); the Parable (a striking artistic sculpture) located in the Village square; and, under construction, 是内布拉斯加州医学院最先进的癌症治疗中心和区域参与中心(一个高科技会议中心,将成为校友会的新家), when completed in spring of 2024, will attract numerous other developers to University Village). To date, University Village represents another $99 million in new construction.

这两个项目中的第二个代表了最大和最深刻的变化,是bet36365体育和UNMC合作的结果,在科尔尼校园开发专业健康项目. Starting in 2015 with the Health Science 教育 Complex, bet36365体育和UNMC成功地说服了内布拉斯加州立法机构建立一个设施,将扩大护理计划,并将UNMC的联合健康专业带到校园. The result was a rousing success as the cohorts of students filled quickly. True to the goal, 85% of the resulting graduates start their careers in rural Nebraska. 今年, the two campuses broke ground on a 110,000平方英尺的建筑,将把UNMC内几乎所有的学院都带到科尔尼校区. This collaboration allows for the delivery of professional degrees in Kearney, without going to the Omaha campus. These degrees include Medicine, 药店, expanded Allied Health and Nursing, 公共卫生, and behavioral health services. 在这两座建筑之间,这将是全国最大的农村健康教育中心.

总理 Kristensen has received the Nebraska State Bar Association Award of Merit; Speaker Emeritus of the Nebraska Legislature; bet36365体育 Friend of the University Award; College of Allied Health Visionary Leadership Award; Nebraska State Bar Foundation Fellow; the Nebraska School Activities Association’s Distinguished Service Award; Nebraska Diplomats President’s Award; Palacký University, 奥洛, CZ Founder’s Medal; League of Nebraska Municipalities Distinguished Service Award; Nebraska Association of County Official President’s Award; University of Nebraska Innocents Society; Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society.

多年来, 总理 Kristensen has served on a number of state and local boards and commissions. Current memberships include The Mid-America Intercollegiate 体育运动 Association (MIAA) President’s Council and Strategic Planning Committee; Economic Development Council of Buffalo County Board of Directors; Museum of Nebraska Art Board of Directors; Kearney Area Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors; and Nebraska Golf Association Board of Directors.

Former service has included: National Vice President of the National Conference of State Legislatures; Executive Board Member of the Council of State Governments; State Legislative Leaders Foundation; Nebraska Constitutional Review Commission; Federal Communications Commission Local and State Government Advisory Committee; Nebraska Information 技术 Committee Commissioner; Platte Valley State Bank and Trust Company Board of Directors; Rowe Sanctuary Board of Directors; and Rocky Mountain Athletic Conference (RMAC) President.

Kristensen拥有内布拉斯加大学林肯分校的经济学和政治学学士学位, and the Doctor of Jurisprudence from Drake University. He and his wife, District Judge Terri S. Harder, have two daughters, Morgan and Paige. They take great pride in the fact that, between their two daughters, they have a degree from each of the campuses of the University of Nebraska system, including two from bet36365体育.